If air conditioning is used, it is essential to ensure that the equipment is cleaned properly and at regular intervals. Not only because without regular cleaning the device can fail, but also because the Legionella bacterium, which can cause severe, sometimes life-theatening pneumonia, can settle in the stagnant water trapped in the air conditioner.
Cleaning is not only important for Legionella bacteria: condensation is continuous in the indoor unit in cooling mode and the humid environment is conductive to the growth of additional bacteria, viruses and fungi. In the case of a dirty, non-disinfected air conditioner, this can lead to not only legionnaires’ disease, but also to all sorts of respiratory diseases. An example is systemic fungal infection, which is more common than Legionella infection and is caused by fungal spores entering the airways, mainly causing lower respiratory tract diseases and pneumonia.
If the air conditioner is not used for months, cleaning once a year may be sufficient, but if the air conditioner is operated continuously for several months, more frequent cleaning, twice or even three times a year may be required.
How is the air conditioner cleaned?
Cleaning and disinfecting the air conditioner is a multi-step process, and the initial steps of cleaning can vary depending on the method:
- Manual cleaning, which means disassembling and manually cleaning and dusting the equipment
- Chemical cleaning, which involves the degreasing of various surfaces
- Physical cleaning, which means cleaning the appliance with dry ice or steaming to remove surface dirt.
These steps are followed by disinfection of the air conditioner, which can also be done in several ways, including by completely flushing the device.
With own hands or by a professional?
Cleaning and disinfection can be done manually, but in most cases the manufacturers of the devices are bound by professional maintenance. If you have never cleaned your air conditioner alone, it is better to entrust this task to those who already have good experience in this field, so you can be sure that the process will be sufficiently careful.
What disinfectant is worth using?
Several types of disinfectants are available, but there are differences in their effectiveness. Scented Nanosept and odourless Nanosept Aqua have several advantages over their counterparts used for climate disinfection:
- They do not contain chlorine, thus protecting the health of maintenance professionals (no mucosal irritation)
- Due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide, the disinfectant immediately oxidizes, releasing water and active oxygen during effervescence, which in itself has an antimicrobial effect
- They are certainly effective against Legionella bacteria, unlike chlorine
- The disinfectant also contains nanosilver, which adheres to the interior surfaces of the air conditioner and inhibits the formation of a so-called biofilm that favours the long-term settlement of the Legionella bacterium
- Nanosilver coating hinders the growth of algae effectively also in condensed water drainage pipes and systems
- In higher concentration it can be used to clean the air conditioner before disinfection as hydrogen peroxide is also effective in degreasing and removing various physical contaminants.
Who can I contact if I want to order air conditioner cleaning?
There are several companies that can offer Nanosept air conditioner disinfection to you, such as KlímaClean, Budaklíma and Klíma-Coop. You can turn to the specialists of these companies with confidence at any time if we want professional and thorough air disinfection in your home or wherever your air conditioner operates.
‘I graduated as an environmental engineer and when I started working on climate cleaning, my basic expectation was to develop a service that represents the highest quality. Of course, this also includes the disinfectant used in climate cleaning’ says Márk Bíró, an expert at KlímaClean.
‘Searching the internet, I came across Nanosept after talking to plenty of other disinfectant distributors. I immediately liked what I read on the product page: on the one hand, it is a Hungarian development, and on the other hand, it has no harmful effect on the environment. I also wanted the disinfectant effect to be not only short-term, as in the case of, say, chlorine or various peroxide disinfectants, but also to have a longer-term antimicrobial effect. Nanosept also meets this requirement perfectly, as hydrogen peroxide has an immediate antimicrobial effect and the silver particles create a coating on the interior surfaces of the air conditioner that provides a much longer than average disinfecting effect.’
Márk Bíró and his colleagues have been using Nanosept for are conditioner disinfection for a year and a half. ‘We are satisfied in every way. Nanosept is easy to use and does not damage the air conditioner in any way. It does not contain chemicals that could interact with the plastic or the lamellae of the device during disinfection, nor does it release chlorine gas or any other compound that could cause us any inconvenience during cleaning’ says the specialist.
Complete external and internal cleaning, disinfection
‘We have been using Nanosept for cleaning indoor and outdoor units for the second year in a row, and so far we have only had positive experience’ says Borbála Virág, head of Borbálaklíma, emphasizing that disinfectants can be used to effectively clean equipment where people smoke and thus cause extra contamination.
‘In this case not only should the exterior-interior discoloration and the yellow interior front panel be cleaned, but we need to do something against the smell emanating from the indoor unit. With Nanosept, complete external and internal cleaning and disinfection can be performed : the front panel regains its original white colour and the heat exchanger exudes a pleasant, fresh scent again.’
‘An additional problem with early maintenance has also been resolved. If the appliance is not used for a long time, the condensate pipe will sometimes become clogged until it is switched on for the first time. Since Nanosept was used, this phenomenon disappeared and the tube can be completely disinfected’.
For indoor units, the evaporator is completely flushed after the dust filters have been removed. The so-called squirrel wheel can also be cleaned with the disinfectant: ‘We place a tray under the indoor unit, the disinfectant liquid flows here during cleaning, so there is no need to disassemble the unit, we can work quickly, efficiently and comfortably.’
KlímaClean specialists also thoroughly wash the equipment with a unique technology they have developed. ‘Once the properly diluted Nanospet solution is created, we also wash the inside of the air conditioner, so that all parts where there is a chance for viruses, bacteria or fungi, including Legionella, which is extremely dangerous to health, are thoroughly disinfected. Not only we, but also our customers are satisfied, so far we have received only positive feedback,’ emphasizes Márk Bíró.
If you wish to order Nanosept air conditioner cleaning, you can contact the following companies:
- Biró Márk, +36-70-528-5225 http://klimaclean.hu
- Bata Balázs, +36-20-999-6999 https://www.budaklima.hu/
- Lavi Ádám, +36 70 398 4838 http://www.kecskemet-klima.hu
- Ollé Kálmán, +36-30-933-5530 https://www.klimacoop.hu/
- Virág Borbála, +36 30 944 3507 https://borbalaklima.hu